Kinetic Melodies

This exhibit juxtaposes the rhythms of daily ritual in China against the rhythms of daily ritual in the United States.  Typical daily life from two specific neighborhoods are portrayed – one in Nanjing, China, and the other in Provo, Utah.  My inclusion of Chinese culture in this project is a result of living in China for one year, and realizing that people of all cultures are more alike than they are different.  One of the constants I have seen is daily rhythm.


By specifically addressing rituals that are a part of daily living in this exhibit, I am concentrating on the commonality of humankind rather than focusing on the exotic.  By showing viewers daily rituals that are similar to, but different from their own, I am asking them to evaluate their own daily routines with new eyes.

*Kinetic melodies are stored patterns of muscular actions that have a specific sequence and rhythm.  They are firmly established and automatized within a person by constant repetition.