

(ceaseless, endless, perpetual, cyclical, repetitive, recurrent, periodic)



(lasting, enduring, persistent, steadfast,  evergreen, permanent, long-lasting)



(continual, steady, regular, unbroken)


My hands are cold and clumsy as I pull the white balls of seeds from the vine.  “I should do this later in the day when it is warmer.”  But I have the time right now.  The seeds feel cold and slightly damp from frost.  “I should do this later, after the sun has dried them out.”  I keep picking, having developed a rhythm. But it is not the rhythm of Gershwin or African drums.  It is not the rhythm of machinery.  It is the natural rhythm of weeding a garden, weaving a basket, sharpening a knife or chopping wood.  It is the cadence of countless quiet conversations in a large room.   I continue plucking at this pace.  My son says he has noticed that seeds up high are of better quality.  I acknowledge his observation for I have discovered the same thing.  “Is it necessary that we gather high quality seeds so I can hide them inside stuffed pillows?”  No, it is not necessary.  I continue to reach high for the “better” puffs of seed.  I am compelled to do so.